Scientists make vanadium into a useful catalyst for hydrogenation

Just as Cinderella turned from a poor teenager into a magnificent princess with the aid of a little magic, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory have transformed a common metal into a useful ...

Molecular-scale ALD discovery could have industrial-sized impact

In the world of nano-scale technology, where work is conducted at the atomic level, even the smallest changes can have an enormous impact. And a new discovery by a University of Alberta materials engineering researchers has ...

Dielectric film has refractive index close to air

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a dielectric film that has optical and electrical properties similar to air, but is strong enough to be incorporated into electronic and photonic devices - making ...

New material could be used for energy storage

( —Lawrence Livermore researchers have made a material that is 10 times stronger and stiffer than traditional aerogels of the same density.

New technique grows tiny 'hairy' materials at the microscale

( —Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory attacked a tangled problem by developing a new technique to grow tiny "hairy" materials that assemble themselves at the microscale.

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