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How climate change boosts hurricanes

Scientists are sounding the alarm on human-caused climate change's impact on hurricanes such as Idalia, which rapidly intensified over a warm Gulf of Mexico before making landfall in Florida on Wednesday.

Enhanced chemical weathering: A solution to the climate crisis?

Could blending of crushed rock with arable soil lower global temperatures? Researchers of Mainz University have studied global warming events from 40 and 56 million years ago to find answers. Their research paper has recently ...

'Thermometer' molecule confirmed on exoplanet WASP-31b

Chromium hydride (CrH), a molecule that's relatively rare and particularly sensitive to temperature, is useful as a "thermometer for stars," according to astronomer Laura Flagg, because it's abundant only in a narrow range ...

Water harvesting in Death Valley: Conquering the arid wilderness

Korea is regarded as a "water-stressed nation." Although the country receives an annual precipitation of approximately 1,300mm, it is characterized by concentrated periods and specific regions, thereby giving rise to challenges ...

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