Argonne research expanding from injectors to inhalers

There is a world of difference between tailpipes and windpipes, but researchers at the Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory have managed to link the two with groundbreaking research that could enable exciting ...

Testing a new therapy for horses struggling to breathe

Pixie, a thirteen-year-old Shetland pony, is only about one-fifth the size of most horses seen for asthma at Tufts Equine Center. That doesn't make his breathing problems any less significant, though.

Rapid test to diagnose asthma

Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases worldwide, affecting more than 235 million patients. It is often more difficult to diagnose in children than in adults. An early diagnosis is especially important for ...

How cells zip through the stickiest mucus

A team led by Johns Hopkins University engineers figured out how and why human cells move much faster through thick mucus than thinner varieties. People sick with certain diseases, including asthma and COVID-19, secrete mucus ...

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