Why does your life flash before your eyes near death?

Survivors of close calls with death often recall extraordinary experiences: seeing light at the end of a tunnel, floating outside their own bodies, encountering deceased loved ones or recapping major life events in an instant.

Two Romanians charged with hacking US capital police cameras

Two Romanian nationals have been arrested and charged with hacking into computer systems which controlled surveillance cameras for the Metropolitan Police Department in the US capital earlier this year, officials said Thursday.

LulzSec hacker sentenced in Sony data breach

Federal prosecutors say a hacker has been sentenced in a data breach that exposed personal information for 138,000 people kept in Sony Pictures Entertainment computers.

Italian police raid hackers who took on Vatican

Italian police on Friday arrested four alleged hackers believed to belong to the activist group Anonymous for attacking websites, including those of the Vatican and the parliament in Rome.

Ancient Pompeii to get 105 mn euro makeover

The long-neglected Roman city of Pompeii will get a 105-million euro ($142-million) makeover partly funded by the EU starting on Wednesday, a day after former site managers were put under investigation for corruption.

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