A molecular on/off switch for CRISPR

Picture bacteria and viruses locked in an arms race. For many bacteria, one line of defense against viral infection is a sophisticated RNA-guided "immune system" called CRISPR-Cas. At the center of this system is a surveillance ...

No sci-fi joke: 'killer robots' strike fear into tech leaders

It sounds like a science-fiction nightmare. But "killer robots" have the likes of British scientist Stephen Hawking and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak fretting, and warning they could fuel ethnic cleansing and an arms race.

Elaborate egg shells help prevent forgery

There's a high-stakes arms race being waged with colors and patterns in the scrublands of southern Zambia. It's a battle that's probably being fought everywhere there are birds practicing what is known as "brood parasitism"—laying ...

Exploring a microbial arms race

A rapid evolutionary "arms race" between bacteria and the killer viruses they contain has been observed by a UNSW-led team of scientists in a sophisticated genetic study of the micro-organisms.

Elite coaches migrating to Western countries to advance careers

Nations battling for Olympic success in a global sporting 'arms race' has led to elite coaches migrating to Western countries as they bid to escape antiquated and restrictive coaching regimes in their home countries, reveals ...

Efflux pump inhibitors: Bulking up to beat bacteria

The medical profession is in the midst of losing an arms race. Bacterial antibiotic resistance doesn't just threaten our ability to treat infection but our ability to carry out any treatment where infection is a risk. This ...

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