Related topics: arctic

New data gives NOAA more extensive picture of global climate

NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is updating its current global climate dataset to provide more information about the Earth's climate, while also extending the planet's observed temperature record ...

Mammoth problem found with extinction timeline

Precisely when mammoths went extinct has fascinated paleontologists for generations, perhaps because their decline coincided with the arrival of people to North and South America.

Rainy days on track to double in the Arctic by 2100

Today, more snow than rain falls in the Arctic, but this is expected to reverse by the end of the century. A new study shows the frequency of rainy days in the Arctic could roughly double by 2100.

Wildfire smoke may have amplified Arctic phytoplankton bloom

Smoke from a Siberian wildfire may have transported enough nitrogen to parts of the Arctic Ocean to amplify a phytoplankton bloom, according to new research from North Carolina State University and the International Research ...

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