Carbon monoxide from California wildfires drifts east

California is being plagued by massive wildfires, and the effects on air quality from those fires can extend far beyond the state's borders. In addition to ash and smoke, fires release carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. ...

NASA sees powerful thunderstorms in Tropical Storm Lidia's center

The Eastern Pacific Ocean's potential tropical cyclone has developed into Tropical Storm Lidia. NASA's Aqua satellite observed some very high, towering thunderstorms in two areas of the storm and because of its close proximity ...

NASA finds Tropical Cyclone's Vayu getting stretched

When NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the Northern Indian Ocean, it captured an infrared image that revealed Tropical Cyclone Vayu was elongating. That's never a good sign for a tropical cyclone, because they need a circular ...

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Donna blanket Vanuatu

The 80 plus islands that make up the nation of Vanuatu were blanketed by the clouds of Tropical Cyclone Donna when NASA's Terra satellite passed overhead. NASA's Aqua satellite provided an infrared look at Donna that showed ...

Satellite movie shows US tornado outbreak from space

NASA has just released an animation of visible and infrared satellite data from NOAA's GOES-East satellite that shows the development and movement of the weather system that spawned tornadoes affecting seven central and southern ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Mujigae moving through South China Sea

Tropical Storm Mujigae tracked over the northern Philippines and as it entered the South China Sea, NASA's Aqua satellite captured an image of the storm. NASA's RapidScat instrument aboard the International Space Station ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Saola near Guam

Infrared data from NASA satellites helped confirm that former Tropical Depression 27W has strengthened into a tropical storm near Guam. The storm has been renamed Tropical Storm Saola and NASA's Aqua satellite analyzed the ...

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