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UW-Madison geoscientist offers free geologic exploration app

Plenty of apps are born over a cup of joe or a glass of wine or beer. Here's an idea brewed over a beer by a couple of geologists who were fiddling with Untappd, an app covering the who, what and where of microbrews.

As iPhone sale sag, Apple touts apps and services instead

You can expect to hear a lot more from Apple about the virtues of mobile apps and online services in coming months. And for good reason: They're just about the only part of Apple's business that's growing right now.

Six road-trip apps to make the miles fly by

Hitting the road this summer? Forget Yelp and those hotel booking apps—they're useful, but boring. Instead, pack along these apps to liven things up along the way. You might even learn something.

Can Google cash in on its pivot?

Google Inc.'s latest technological marvels point to a future where you'll never need to visit websites, write a term paper or stress over what to buy for your mother's birthday.

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