Simulations show how beta-amyloid may kill neural cells

Beta-amyloid peptides, protein fragments that form naturally in the brain and clump into plaques in Alzheimer's disease patients, are thought to be responsible for neuron death, but it hasn't been clear how the substances ...

Antibiotic nanoparticles fight drug-resistant bacteria

Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem, especially among a type of bacteria that are classified as "Gram-negative." These bacteria have two cell membranes, making it more difficult for drugs to penetrate and kill the ...

Moth gut bacterium defends its host by making antibiotic

Nearly half of all insects are herbivores, but their diets do not consist of only plant material. It is not uncommon for potentially harmful microorganisms to slip in during a feast. In a study published on January 19 in ...

Computers learn to recognize molecules that can enter cells

A team of researchers from UCLA and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign originally set out to discover and design antimicrobial peptides—short chains of amino acids that can kill bacteria by punching holes in ...

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