The new compound that destroys the MRSA superbug

A compound that both inhibits the MRSA superbug and renders it more vulnerable to antibiotics has been discovered by scientists at the University of Bath led by Dr. Maisem Laabei and Dr. Ian Blagbrough.

Research opens the way to new drugs

Research by a team at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington's School of Biological Sciences dispels the belief that on the assembly line of enzymes there is a "proof-reading" mechanism that ensures molecules ...

C. difficile hypervirulence genes identified

Five genetic regions have been identified that are unique to the most virulent strain of Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), the hospital superbug. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Genome Biology ...

Plants may be transmitting superbugs to people

Antibiotic-resistant infections are a threat to global public health, food safety and an economic burden. To prevent these infections, it is critical to understand how antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their genes are transmitted ...

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