Scientists can switch on plants' response to light

Scientists have figured out how plants respond to light and can flip this genetic switch to encourage food growth. The discovery could help increase food supply for an expanding population with shrinking opportunities for ...

Media's framing of disease may lead to AAPI discrimination

Describing diseases as originating from animals foreign to the Western diet serves to boost stereotypes of Asian culture and increase discrimination, according to new research from UC Riverside, Texas Tech, and Texas A&M.

Ceramics provide insights into medieval Islamic cuisine

Organic residues on ceramic pottery are a valuable resource for understanding medieval cuisines of Islamic-ruled Sicily, according to a study published June 9, 2021 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Jasmine Lundy of ...

Mitigating emissions in the livestock production sector

The farming of livestock to feed the global appetite for animal products greatly contributes to global warming. A new study however shows that emission intensity per unit of animal protein produced from the sector has decreased ...

Is Beef the new coal? Climate-friendly eating is on the rise

Eleven Madison Park, a top Manhattan restaurant, is going meatless. The Epicurious cooking site stopped posting new beef recipes. The Culinary Institute of America is promoting "plant-forward" menus. Dozens of colleges, including ...

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