Groups sue US over antibiotics in farm feed

A coalition of consumer groups filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the US Food and Drug Administration over the use of human antibiotics in animal feed, saying it creates dangerous superbugs.

Company patents technology to feed cattle from waste

The phrase "squeeze until the very last drop" literally came true for Biotectra, a Mexican company that managed to extract nutrients from organic waste and transform them into a main ingredient for cattle food.

Humanity's next test: feed 10 billion without ruining Earth

Experts Friday began negotiating the most comprehensive scientific assessment ever of the role the land we live off plays in climate change, expected to highlight the stark choices humanity faces to feed 10 billion people ...

Biofuel waste product recycled for electricity

A by-product of biofuel manufacture can power microbial fuel cells to generate electricity cheaply and efficiently, according to scientists presenting their work at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference. ...

Nevada researchers trying to turn roadside weed into biofuel

Three decades ago, a University of Nevada researcher who obtained one of the first U.S. Energy Department grants to study the potential to turn plants into biofuels became convinced that a roadside weed—curly top gumweed—was ...

Pork belly cuts better for environment than beef steak

Milk, eggs, pork and chicken are friendlier for the environment than beef. This is the conclusion after examining sixteen life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of animal products. However, the margins for the various measurements ...

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