Related topics: cells

Elephant in the dining room: Startup makes mammoth meatball

Throw another mammoth on the barbie? An Australian company on Tuesday lifted the glass cloche on a meatball made of lab-grown cultured meat using the genetic sequence from the long-extinct pachyderm, saying it was meant to ...

New targeting opportunities discovered against canine distemper virus

The highly contagious canine distemper virus is dangerous to dogs and wild life animals. It is also closely related to the equally highly contagious measles virus. Researchers at the University of Bern and the Zurich University ...

Looking for risky viruses now to get ahead of future pandemics

Most of what scientists know about viruses in animals is the list of nucleotides that compose their genomic sequence—which, while valuable, offers very few hints about a virus's ability to infect humans.

Scientists discover rare superfast muscles in mouse legs

You might think that only DC Comics superhero The Flash could run at a speed of 200 strides per second. But in the animal world, special muscles—called "superfast muscles"—can move as fast as Barry Allen.

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