It's a girl: Gene silencing technology alters sex of prawns

Israeli scientists have developed a novel method for generating single-sex populations of prawns. This could be used to boost the productivity of aquaculture farms and even as a biocontrol measure against invasive species ...

Testosterone key to new bird bang theory

New research from a Wake Forest University biologist who studies animal behavior suggests that evolution is hard at work when it comes to the acrobatic courtship dances of a tropical bird species.

Team finds new target for treatment of advanced prostate cancer

( -- In its early stages, prostate cancer requires androgens (hormones that promote the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics) for growth, and current first-line therapies target the receptor ...

Novel role of progestin signaling in fish spermatogenesis

Cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 (cyp17a1) is a critical enzyme involved in gonadal steroidogenesis, including androgen and estrogen production. Among sex steroids, androgen signaling disruption is known ...

Brain steroids make good dads

Testosterone in males is generally associated with aggression and definitely not with good parenting. Insights from a highly social fish can help understand how other androgenic steroids, like testosterone, can shape a male's ...

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