What could we do to cool the Arctic, specifically?

The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the world, and in some areas as much as seven times. That's according to new research by a group of Norwegian scientists. This effect, dubbed "Arctic amplification," ...

Environmental DNA analysis to manage fecal contamination

"Who's peeing in the water?" Unlikely as it may seem, there is a great deal of science behind this question. Determining the source of fecal contamination—an important public health issue—requires years of research. Doctoral ...

The highest amplification in tiny nanoscale devices

A team of researchers from the University of Florida, led by Dr. Philip Feng, in collaboration with Prof. Steven Shaw in Florida Institute of Technology, has now demonstrated extremely high-efficient mechanical signal amplification ...

Could corals use sound to communicate?

Corals are part of a highly complex ecosystem, but it remains a mystery if and how they might communicate within their biological community. In a new study, researchers found evidence of sound-related genes in corals, suggesting ...

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