New research elucidates a master regulator of protein production

Proteins are among the most important molecular building blocks of life. They themselves are built from amino acids linked together based on the information in our genetic material. In this process, the genetic code is translated ...

Novel air filter captures wide variety of pollutants

An air filter made out of corn protein instead of petroleum products can concurrently capture small particulates as well as toxic chemicals like formaldehyde that current air filters can't.

Coffee with milk may have an anti-inflammatory effect

Can something as simple as a cup of coffee with milk have an anti-inflammatory effect in humans? Apparently so, according to a new study from the University of Copenhagen. A combination of proteins and antioxidants doubles ...

How a key immune protein is regulated in the cell

Scientists at EPFL have determined how a protein that is critical in our first line of immune defense is regulated in the cell to prevent autoinflammatory diseases.

Double calixarenes bind neuromuscular blockers

Under anesthesia, patients are often given muscle-relaxing neuromuscular blockers to make intubations easier and reduce the skeletal muscle tone during surgery. Using a drug to remove the blocking agent after the operation ...

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