Survey: Fraud-free elections, free speech, key to democracy

A survey of U.S. political science professors a month into Donald Trump's presidency shows that fraud-free elections tops a list of 19 principles as most essential to democracy, as do free speech and a free press.

Texas OKs most new history textbooks amid outcry

A Texas panel has approved 89 history and social studies textbooks for use in classrooms across America's second-largest state, after one top publisher withdrew a book.

Satire is shaping the next generation of american citizens

(—Satire has always played an important role in democracy, but acurrent group of television satirists are more influential than ever with American citizens, particularly younger ones, according to a Penn State ...

US privacy groups welcome 'Do Not Track' bill

Privacy and consumer groups welcomed a "Do Not Track" bill introduced in the US Senate on Monday that would let Internet users block companies from gathering information about their online activities.

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