Amazing skin gives sharks a push

Shark skin has long been known to improve the fish's swimming performance by reducing drag, but now George Lauder and Johannes Oeffner from Harvard University show that in addition, the skin generates thrust, giving the fish ...

Were Twin Towers felled by chemical blasts? (Update)

A mix of sprinkling system water and melted aluminium from aircraft hulls likely triggered the explosions that felled New York's Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, a materials expert has told a technology conference.

Micro-explosion reveals new super-dense aluminium

( -- Although materials scientists have theorized for years that a form of super-dense aluminum exists under the extreme pressures found inside a planet’s core, no one had ever actually seen it. Until now.

Australia cuts number of firms liable to new tax

Australia has halved the number of companies needing to pay a contentious pollution tax from 1,000 to about 500, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Thursday, stressing only big business will be hit.

Can we fix it -- yes we can

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK's National Measurement Institute are working on a project to develop a new, lighter weight beverage can punch with improved wear resistance. The target reduction ...

Weight loss for healthier cars

( -- A Swinburne research team has developed a joining system that overcomes obstacles to the wider use of magnesium in the automotive industry.

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