New packaging plastic that protects as well as aluminium foil

Tera-Barrier Films Pte Ltd, a spin-off company from A*STAR's Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, has invented a new plastic film using a revolutionary nano-inspired process that makes the material thinner but ...

New material gets itself into shape

Inspired by plant components that respond to external stimuli, material scientists from ETH Zurich have devised a new method for producing composite materials from a variety of materials that adopt a pre-programmed shape ...

New study shows fortnightly collection can increase recycling

A new study from the University of Southampton, which investigated the controversial alternate weekly collection (AWC) system for residual waste and recyclables, has found that a switch from weekly to fortnightly collection ...

France sets requirements for nanoparticles

France has become the first country in Europe to require manufacturers to identify use of nano-particles, the extremely fine grains that are increasingly found in drugs and consumer products.

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