Related topics: mississippi river

Toxic algae blooms cause illness, death in dogs

Dogs are known to play, swim and lap up water in lakes and ponds, but these simple joys can lead to illness and even fatal poisoning when harmful algae blooms muck up the water.

Blue light culprit in red tide blooms

Each year, phytoplankton blooms known as "red tides" kill millions of fish and other marine organisms and blanket vast areas of coastal water around the world. Though the precise causes of red tides remain a mystery, a team ...

How algae 'enslavement' threatens freshwater bodies

How toxic, blue-green algae out-compete other organisms through a form of selfish "enslavement" -- and by so doing proliferate dangerously in freshwater bodies -- has been described by a researcher at the Hebrew University ...

Farms are focus of studies on drinking water toxin

Scientists and farmers agree that phosphorus from agriculture runoff is feeding the blue-green algae blooms on Lake Erie linked to a toxin found in the drinking water of 400,000 people in Ohio and southeastern Michigan last ...

How robots can help in the fight against toxic algae

Harmful algae blooms in lakes are a major environmental problem, producing extremely dangerous toxins that can taint water supplies or harm other organic life—including people. Biologists can test water safety by collecting ...

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