Driverless cars are going to disrupt the airline industry

As driverless cars become more capable and more common, they will change people's travel habits not only around their own communities but across much larger distances. Our research has revealed just how much people's travel ...

Pressure mounts on aviation industry over climate change

Under pressure from frequent flyers alarmed over climate change, the airline industry says it is "hellbent" on reducing emissions—but the technology needed to drastically reduce its carbon footprint is still out of reach.

UN aviation agency concealed serious hack: media

The Montreal-based United Nations aviation agency concealed for months a hack of its computers and allowed malware to spread throughout the airline industry, Canada's public broadcaster reported Wednesday.

Airlines and passengers save billions through crew planning

Airlines avoid up to 80 percent of crew-related delays through advance planning, according to the authors of a Dartmouth College study on the commercial airline industry. The research explains the complex reality of crew ...

MH370 mystery spurred efforts to improve aircraft tracking

As investigators prepare to wind down the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 search after more than two fruitless years, the airline industry is still working to raise safety standards to prevent another plane from going missing.

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