The Euclid space telescope is coming together

ESA's Euclid mission has reached another milestone on its journey towards launch. Its two instruments are now built and fully tested. These have been delivered to Airbus Defence and Space in Toulouse, France, where they are ...

ExoMars rover ready for environment testing

The Rosalind Franklin ExoMars rover has completed its construction activities in the UK and will now depart to France for testing under the conditions of the Red Planet's environment.

Video: Moving on Mars

The ExoMars mission will see Rosalind Franklin the rover and its surface platform Kazachok land on the Red Planet in 2021. From fine-grained soil to large boulders and slopes, the rover has to be able to move across many ...

Reprogrammable satellite takes shape

The payload and platform of the first European satellite that can be completely reprogrammed after launch have been successfully joined together.

Outgoing Airbus CEO poised for 37 mln euro payout: report

The chief executive of European aerospace giant Airbus stands to receive a 37 million euro ($41 million) severance package when he steps down next week, according to calculations by an investor advisory firm released Tuesday.

Exoplanet satellite ready

ESA's Characterising Exoplanet Satellite, Cheops, was recently declared ready to fly after completing a series of final spacecraft tests.

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