Floating ideas for an airlock near the Moon

Assembly of a new habitable structure near the moon, known as the Gateway, is scheduled to begin in 2023. The international project will allow humans to explore farther than ever before and it brings new opportunities for ...

Image: Cheops in the clean room

The copper-coloured baffle cover of our Characterising Exoplanet Satellite, Cheops, in the clean room at Airbus Defence and Space Spain, Madrid.

Airbus A380: From high-tech marvel to commercial flop

This time it really is over. Airbus chief executive, Tom Enders, recently announced the end of the A380, the largest commercial aircraft ever built. Despite reported investments of more than €14 billion, this iconic European ...

Future of Airbus's A380 superjumbo in doubt as demand fades

A decision by Australian airline Qantas on Thursday to cancel an order for Airbus A380 superjumbos raised fresh questions about the future of the world's largest passenger jet, which has struggled to find enough buyers to ...

ESA's Mars rover has a name – Rosalind Franklin

The ExoMars rover that will search for the building blocks of life on the Red Planet has a name: Rosalind Franklin. The prominent scientist behind the discovery of the structure of DNA will have her symbolic footprint on ...

Qantas confirms cancellation of Airbus order

Australian flag carrier Qantas on Thursday confirmed it would not take up eight Airbus A380s already ordered—the latest blow for the European airspace firm.

Airbus says in talks with Emirates on vital A380 deal

Airbus said Thursday it was in discussion with Emirates over a deal for 36 of its A380 jets made last year, amid reports the Gulf carrier is considering converting some or all of the order to the smaller A350, potentially ...

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