Paris wants to phase out diesel cars by 2024

Paris city authorities said Thursday they aimed to phase out the use of diesel cars by the time the French capital hosts the Olympics in 2024, and petrol cars by 2030.

Road pricing most effective in reducing vehicle emissions

Motor vehicles are a major source of air pollution in urban areas, and for decades municipal and regional governments have used various traffic management strategies in an effort to reduce vehicle emissions, alongside advancements ...

CO2-free mobility: (how) is that possible?

Right now, everyone is talking about mobility, how it ought to be CO2 -neutral and clean. Yet how do we get there? Banning combustion engines, changing how we usually get around or gradually shifting towards electric vehicles ...

Wing shape helps swifts glide through storms

They are among nature's best fliers, spending most of their time in flight … now scientists have shed new light on how swifts can glide with ease, whatever the weather. A new study suggests that the aerodynamics of swifts' ...

EPA OKs pollution controls on new diesel Jeeps, Ram pickups

U.S. regulators have blessed emissions controls on 2017 versions of Fiat Chrysler diesel trucks, allowing them to go on sale and potentially helping to resolve allegations that the company cheated on pollution tests.

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