Related topics: volcano

Pollution costs India $80 bn a year: World Bank

Pollution and other environmental degradation costs India $80 billion a year, nearly six percent of gross domestic product, the World Bank said in a report released on Wednesday.

Pacaya volcano erupts in Guatemala

Guatamala's Pacaya volcano erupted early Thursday, sending volcanic material more than 400 meters in the air, authorities said.

Most home computers, including yours, are vulnerable to attack

North Korea recently launched a cyber attack on South Korean TV stations and banks. Iran carried out a cyber campaign against U.S. banking sites. The U.S. and Israel released malware that disabled Iranian nuclear centrifuges. ...

NASA begins flight research campaign using alternate jet fuel

( —NASA researchers have begun a series of flights using the agency's DC-8 flying laboratory to study the effects of alternate biofuel on engine performance, emissions and aircraft-generated contrails at altitude.

How will sequestration affect NASA?

It seems the US in not going to avoid the sequester—the $85 billion worth of federal spending cuts due to kick in March 1, 2013. There will be across the board cuts to government agencies, applying equally to defense and ...

New technologies deployed to counter the threat of GPS jamming

The first profile of the perpetrators of GPS jamming on British roads will be presented today alongside research results that confirm it is these small device, available online for as little as £30, rather extreme solar ...

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