Related topics: volcano

Urine test for fatigue could help prevent accidents

Doctors, pilots, air traffic controllers and bus drivers have at least one thing in common—if they're exhausted at work, they could be putting lives at risk. But the development of a new urine test, reported in the ACS ...

UK in $2.3 bn plan to 'strike back' at hackers

Finance minister Philip Hammond on Tuesday warned Britain will "strike back" against states hacking into strategic networks in order to avoid a military showdown, as part of a new cyber-defence plan.

Here's how drones will change cities

Amazon has been busy testing out its new Prime Air initiative at a secret location in the English countryside. The service's promise of a 30-minute delivery by specially designed drones may look like click-bait PR, but it's ...

Asia's poor choking on filthy air

Polluted air is a "public health emergency", the World Health Organization said Tuesday, adding nine out of 10 people globally breathe bad air that is blamed for more than six million deaths a year.

Birds adjust their singing activity around airport noise

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen have determined that birds near Berlin's Tegel airport, one of Europe's largest, start singing significantly earlier in the morning than their counterparts ...

Teaching human values to artificial intelligences

Two Cornell experts in artificial intelligence (AI) have joined a nationwide team setting out to ensure that when computers are running the world, they will make decisions compatible with human values.

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