Related topics: volcano

The pros and cons of privatizing air traffic control

The U.S. air traffic control system, the world's largest and most complex, is in the midst of an era of unsurpassed safety. There has not been a fatal crash of a domestic airliner in the U.S. in eight years.

Bike-sharing launched in congested Beirut

Lebanon launched a bike-sharing programme in its capital Beirut on Sunday, hoping to cut down on the congested city's notorious traffic and pollution.

New rules needed as drones crowd the skies

As drones increasingly crowd the skies, the risk of collision with other aircraft has come to the fore. Here's an overview of international regulation aimed at limiting the dangers.

Limited window to change commuting habits

Over 128 million daily commuters in the U.S. and 75% report they drive alone. From improving traffic flow to air quality, convincing people to choose a possibly "greener" mode of transportation presents many challenges. Psychology ...

Costa Rica on alert as volcano spits ash

Costa Rica declared a state of emergency Thursday after eruptions of ash from a volcano forced international flights to be postponed and threatened the capital, authorities said.

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