Game Review: 'Wii Fit Plus'

Making exercise less boring. For millions of gamers, this was the promise of the original "Wii Fit."

Singapore honours Dutch scientist

Singapore said Monday it will award nearly 200,000 US dollars to a Dutch scientist who pioneered an environmentally friendly, low-cost way of treating waste water and refused to patent the process.

Carbon cycle in microbial ecosystems of biological soil crusts

As greenhouse effects become increasingly prominent, soil carbon has been a major focus of research on climate change. Soil microorganisms are the key groups that drive soil carbon transformation. Due to the complexity of ...

The fiddlers influencing mangrove ecosystems

The types of bacteria living in and around fiddler crab burrows vary widely between mangroves, but their functional activities are remarkably similar.

I sprint for exercise: NASA's iRAT study

Run far or run fast? That is one of the questions NASA is trying to answer with one of its latest studies—and the answers may help keep us in shape on Earth, as well as in space. Even with regular exercise, astronauts who ...

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