Does negative political advertising actually work?

While many may dread campaign season because of pervasiveness of negative political advertising, a new study has found that negative political advertising actually works, but perhaps not in the way that many may assume.

Using algorithms to make a campaign go viral

Marketers want to create buzz, but it's not always so easy. For a marketing message to spread like wildfire, not only does it have to reach the target audience, but it also has to be well-timed and well-placed. SThAR, an ...

Ownership increases the value of products

The price a consumer will pay for a product is often significantly less than the price they will accept to sell it. According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, this occurs because ownership of a product ...

10 products that defined Steve Jobs' career

(AP) -- Steve Jobs had no formal schooling in engineering, yet he's listed as the inventor or co-inventor on more than 300 U.S. patents. These are some of the significant products that were created under his direction:

Brand name advertising clicks with online shoppers

( -- Brand names in online search engine advertising campaigns can attract more attention and encourage more sales than campaigns that use generic terms, according to Penn State researchers.

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