Navigating complex biological systems with smart fibers

Integrative actuators and sensors within a single active device offer compelling capabilities for developing robotics, prosthetic limbs, and minimally invasive surgical tools. But instrumenting these devices at the microscale ...

New 3D-printing ink could make cultured meat more cost-effective

Cultured meat (also known as cell-based or lab-grown meat) is a promising, more environmentally friendly alternative to meat produced from traditional livestock farming. However, production costs are still high and need to ...

Targeted photothermal treatment for blood clots shows promise

Nanoparticles loaded with dye that release heat upon near-infrared irradiation could provide the key to more targeted treatment for blood clots, according to new research by the Baker Institute and Swinburne University.

In defence of woodlice and their complicated sex lives

Lots of adults dislike woodlice. Some are physically revolted by them. But this distaste is cultural rather than innate since most small children are well-disposed towards woodlice and happy to handle them. Some people even ...

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