Banking on benefits

People make the decision to use internet banking either because they recognize the benefits or because of peer pressure but rarely because of perceived prestige or celebrity endorsement, a study published in the International ...

Accidents waiting to happen: Insider knowledge

Workplace accidents must be treated like any other source of knowledge if companies and their employees are to learn from such incidents and prevent future accidents from occurring. That is the take home message from research ...

Researchers identify sustainable farming practices in Indonesia

For several years, a team of economists from the University of Passau has been investigating in Indonesia which measures are effective in ensuring that sustainable farming methods are used in the long term. They found that ...

Water stewardship revisited

Water stewardship remains a critical concept for companies and investors to embrace and implement, but one that is at a crossroads, according to a new WWF briefing—Water Stewardship Revisted: Shifting the narrative from ...

Adoptive parents seek longer leave

Western researchers are leading a national push for 15 more weeks of work leave for adoptive parents as an important way to strengthen the bond between parents and their adopted children.

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