Unraveling the mechanisms that control parental care in birds

When animals become parents, they often need to change their behaviors in ways that allow them to protect and ensure the survival of their offspring. What happens in the brain when an animal becomes a new parent?

Report: Internet is changing adoption— for better and worse

The Internet is having a profound, transformative impact on adoption - changing practices and policies, offering new opportunities and resources, and raising ethical, legal and procedural issues, a report out Thursday says.

Federal agency spurs people to adopt wild horses

(AP) -- A federal agency is hoping older wild mustangs rounded up from the range will find new homes with a program that will offer stipends to owners who adopt them.

Why intercountry adoption needs a rethink

Associate Professor Sonja Van Wichelen, sociologist and leader of the Biohumanity FutureFix research project in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences made the call in a paper published in the latest issue of Law and Society ...

Researcher examines the politics of adoption in France

On May 18, 2013, France legalized same-sex marriage, and simultaneously, adoption by homosexual couples. During the lead-up to President François Hollande signing the act into law, opposition protests erupted across France. ...

'We're her real mum': Lesbian parents face healthcare challenges

Over the last few decades, legal reform and evolving attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people have significantly changed family demographics in the UK. Prior to 2005, children in England could not be adopted by people in a relationship ...

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