Scientists discover genomic key to plateau adaptation

Chinese scientists studying genomic data of hot-spring snakes have discovered the genetic mechanism for ectothermic animals' adaptation to extreme, high-elevation environments. The study, titled "Comparative genomic investigation ...

Scientists hone in on genetics behind chicken weight adaptation

Prized for their plumpness, poultry farmers have made incredible gains through agricultural breeding programs to maximize chicken size and weight to benefit worldwide consumption, where demand continues to grow the most for ...

Introgression in the pig genome leads to their altitude adaptation

Scientists from Jiangxi Agricultural University, BGI and University of California published their latest research on genetic mechanism of pig altitude-adaptations in Nature Genetics online. Their research underlined the importance ...

A surprising new function for small RNAs in evolution

An international research team in including Christian Schlötterer and Alistair McGregor of the Vetmeduni Vienna has discovered a completely new mechanism by which evolution can change the appearance of an organism. The ...

Salt cress genome yields new clues to salt tolerance

An international team, led by Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Science, and BGI, the world's largest genomics organization, has completed the genomic sequence and analysis of salt cress ...

Circadian clocks in a blind fish

Do animals that have evolved for millions of years underground, completely isolated from the day-night cycle, still "know" what time it is? Does a normal circadian clock persist during evolution under constant darkness? A ...

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