Catalyst becomes more selective after oxygen atoms' departures

Using chemical imaging techniques, scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory proved for the first time that titanium dioxide's surface defects shelter chemicals from decays caused by ultra-violet light. The defects ...

JRC shortlists denaturants to combat alcohol fraud

Scientists at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) have identified a shortlist of denaturants that could be used to harmonise denaturing practices at EU level and reduce fraud and tax evasion of alcoholic ...

From oil spill to toxic waste: The polymer solution

( -- Last October, a containment dam belonging to a Hungarian alumina manufacturer collapsed after heavy rains, releasing 200 million gallons of caustic sludge. Eight people died in the flood of lye-like red mud, ...

Microbe processes carbon via new metabolic pathway

( -- A Dead Sea microbe has been found to use a previously unknown metabolic pathway to metabolize fats as a source of carbon to synthesize carbohydrates. This suggests there may be other undiscovered pathways ...

Hormonal birth control alters scent communication in primates

Hormonal contraceptives change the ways captive ring-tailed lemurs relate to one another both socially and sexually, according to a Duke University study that combined analyses of hormones, genes, scent chemicals and behavior.

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