Supernovae showered Earth with radioactive debris

An international team of scientists has found evidence of a series of massive supernova explosions near our solar system, which showered the Earth with radioactive debris.

9,000 year-old ritualized decapitation found in Brazil

A 9,000 year-old case of human decapitation has been found in the rock shelter of Lapa do Santo in Brazil, according to a study published September 23, 2015 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by André Strauss from the Max ...

Biological sample prep time cut from days to minutes

When Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers invented the field of biological accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in the late 1980s, the process of preparing the samples was time-consuming and cumbersome.

Cosmogenic field trip in the Top End

Dr Toshi Fujioka and Dr David Fink from the Institute of Environmental Research ICCAS project, together with Dr Hendrick May, an ARC DECRA Fellow from University of Wollongong, carried out fieldwork in Kakadu and Litchfield ...

Carbon dating uncovers forged Cubist painting

Choosing the right physical technique to analyse paintings can make all the difference when it comes to ascertaining their authenticity. Now, a painting initially attributed as belonging to a series called 'Contraste de formes' ...

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