Related topics: children · students

Are your kids keeping up at school?

How a child learns is as individual as the child themselves. Yet with the pressures of large class sizes, decreases in school funding and, most recently, home-schooling, many teachers are struggling to keep track of their ...

Why trauma-sensitive teaching matters even more in 2021

This month, students and teachers across the country are returning to classrooms amid an ongoing pandemic. Many have spent the past year dealing with illness, economic hardship, virtual and disrupted learning, racial unrest ...

How experiencing diverse emotions impacts students

Experiencing a variety of positive emotions—or emodiversity—may benefit high school students, according to a study published in the British Journal of Educational Psychology.

A study of educational sabotage

A study published in the journal Violence Against Women by a domestic violence expert at The University of Texas at Arlington focuses on an overlooked form of psychological abuse—educational sabotage.

Distinguishing between students who guess and those who know

Measuring the knowledge of students in online courses poses a number of challenges. Researchers from the Higher School of Economics and the University of Leuven made improvements to the model for assessing academic achievements ...

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