Fifty-year mystery of Mars' slow polar ice flow solved

Mars polar ice caps were one of the first Earth-like characteristics identified on Mars. Since the development of film in the 19th Century, researchers expected to see Earth-like activity, such as polar ice flow. Mars, however, ...

Scientists record Earth's radio waves from the moon

On Feb. 22, a lunar lander named Odysseus touched down near the moon's South Pole and popped out four antennas to record radio waves around the surface—a moment University of Colorado Boulder astrophysicist Jack Burns hails ...

New research finds lake under Mars ice cap unlikely

Cornell University researchers have provided a simple and comprehensive—if less dramatic—explanation for bright radar reflections initially interpreted as liquid water beneath the ice cap on Mars' south pole.

Researchers discover Earth and space share the same turbulence

In a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters, researchers have discovered that the turbulence in the thermosphere exhibits the same physical laws as the wind in the lower atmosphere. Furthermore, wind in the thermosphere ...

Carving into carbonates on Mars

This past week on Mars, Perseverance made a pit stop near Overlook Mountain to abrade a rock called Old Faithful Geyser. This target is situated within the Western side of the Margin Unit, an area around the upper edge of ...

EarthCARE on cloud nine after smooth start to mission

ESA's EarthCARE mission has completed its important "Launch and Early Orbit Phase" and is ready to begin the commissioning of its four scientific instruments. The data they gather will improve our understanding of the role ...

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