Plato camera integration begins

The activities to integrate Plato's cameras have started in OHB's Space Center & Optics facility in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. One by one the cameras are attached to Plato's optical bench, the surface that keeps all cameras ...

Euclid is finding free floating planets in Orion, too

There are likely millions of "rogue" or free-floating planets (FFPs) spread through the galaxy. These planets, which aren't big enough to become stars but also aren't beholden to a star's gravity, are some of the hardest ...

Fifty-year mystery of Mars' slow polar ice flow solved

Mars polar ice caps were one of the first Earth-like characteristics identified on Mars. Since the development of film in the 19th Century, researchers expected to see Earth-like activity, such as polar ice flow. Mars, however, ...

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