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Search results for Sun

Astronomy Jun 17, 2024

Scientists investigate the origins of the Crab Nebula with James Webb Space Telescope

A team of scientists used the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to parse the composition of the Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant located 6,500 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. With the telescope's MIRI ...

Astronomy Apr 21, 2021

Humongous flare from sun's nearest neighbor breaks records

Scientists have spotted the largest flare ever recorded from the sun's nearest neighbor, the star Proxima Centauri.

Space Exploration Mar 28, 2024

Japan moon probe survives second lunar night

Japan's moon lander woke up after unexpectedly surviving a second frigid, two-week lunar night and transmitted new images back to Earth, the country's space agency said Thursday.

Astronomy Apr 2, 2018

Gravitational lensing by sun-like star in massive cluster reveals blue supergiant 9 billion light years away

Thanks to a rare cosmic alignment, astronomers have captured the most distant normal star ever observed, some 9 billion light years from Earth.

Planetary Sciences Nov 30, 2023

Discovery of planet too big for its sun throws off solar system formation models

The discovery of a planet that is far too massive for its sun is calling into question what was previously understood about the formation of planets and their solar systems, according to Penn State researchers.

Astronomy Apr 20, 2024

Astronomers discover largest stellar black hole in Milky Way: Study

Astronomers identified the largest stellar black hole yet discovered in the Milky Way, with a mass 33 times that of the Sun, according to a study published on Tuesday.

Optics & Photonics Jun 26, 2017

One billion suns: World's brightest laser sparks new behavior in light

Physicists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are seeing an everyday phenomenon in a new light.

Space Exploration May 12, 2016

Space mission first to observe key interaction between magnetic fields of Earth and Sun

Like sending sensors up into a hurricane, NASA has flown four spacecraft through an invisible maelstrom in space, called magnetic reconnection. Magnetic reconnection is one of the prime drivers of space radiation and so it ...

Other Jan 7, 2015

Sun may determine lifespan at birth, study finds

Could the Sun be your lucky—or unlucky—star? In an unusual study published Wednesday, Norwegian scientists said people born during periods of solar calm may live longer, as much as five years on average, than those who ...

Earth Sciences Jul 19, 2016

Some earthquakes on San Andreas Fault triggered by gravitational tug of sun and moon

The gravitational tug between the sun and moon is not just a dance of high and low tides: It can also trigger a special kind of earthquake on the San Andreas Fault.

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