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Space Exploration Apr 12, 2024

NASA unveils probe bound for Jupiter's possibly life-sustaining moon

US space scientists on Thursday unveiled the interplanetary probe NASA plans to send to one of Jupiter's icy moons as part of humanity's hunt for extra-terrestrial life.

Planetary Sciences May 23, 2024

Potentially habitable 'exo-Venus' with Earth-like temperature discovered

Astronomers have made the rare and tantalizing discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet 40 light-years away that may be just a little warmer than our own world. The new paper "Gliese 12 b, A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 ...

Astronomy Jun 2, 2017

Citizen scientists uncover a cold new world near sun

A new citizen-science tool released earlier this year to help astronomers pinpoint new worlds lurking in the outer reaches of our solar system has already led to a discovery: a brown dwarf a little more than 100 light years ...

General Physics Mar 6, 2018

Scientists crack 70-year-old mystery of how magnetic waves heat the sun

Scientists at Queen's University Belfast have led an international team to the ground-breaking discovery that magnetic waves crashing through the sun may be key to heating its atmosphere and propelling the solar wind.

Space Exploration Aug 20, 2021

Here comes the sun: Planetary scientists find evidence of solar-driven change on the moon

Tiny iron nanoparticles unlike any found naturally on Earth are nearly everywhere on the moon—and scientists are trying to understand why. A new study led by Northern Arizona University doctoral candidate Christian J. Tai ...

General Physics Mar 27, 2024

What is the '3 Body Problem'? Astrophysicist explains concept behind hit Netflix show

"3 Body Problem," Netflix's new big-budget adaptation of Liu Cixin's book series helmed by the creators behind "Game of Thrones," puts the science in science fiction.

General Physics Jun 4, 2024

Gravitational waves and the geometry of spacetime

When speaking of our universe, it's often said that "matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move." This is the essence of Albert Einstein's famous general theory of relativity, and describes ...

Astronomy Nov 29, 2021

Study suggests Sun is likely an unaccounted source of the Earth's water

Curtin University researchers have helped unravel the enduring mystery of the origins of the Earth's water, finding the Sun to be a surprising likely source.

Space Exploration May 20, 2020

The Tunguska explosion could have been caused by an asteroid that still orbits the sun

On a cool summer morning in 1908, a fireball appeared over northern Siberia. Eyewitnesses described a column of blue light that moved across the sky, followed by a tremendous explosion that leveled trees across more than ...

Space Exploration May 18, 2024

'Danger behind the beauty': More solar storms could be heading our way

Tourists normally have to pay big money and brave cold climates for a chance to see an aurora, but last weekend many people around the world simply had to look up to see these colorful displays dance across the sky.

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