Search results for Gravity Probe B

General Physics Sep 13, 2006

General relativity survives gruelling pulsar test -- Einstein at least 99.95 percent right

An international research team led by Prof. Michael Kramer of the University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK, has used three years of observations of the "double pulsar", a unique pair of natural stellar clocks ...

May 11, 2005

Gravity Probe B mission, testing Einstein's theory of gravity, completes first year in space

According to Einstein's 1916 general theory of relativity—our present theory of gravitation—space and time are inextricably woven into a four-dimensional fabric called spacetime, and gravity is nothing but the warping ...

Space Exploration Sep 9, 2015

The moons of Neptune

Neptune, that icy gas giant that is the eight planet from our Sun, was discovered in 1846 by two astronomers – Urbain Le Verrier and Johann Galle. In keeping with the convention of planetary nomenclature, Neptune was named ...

Space Exploration Jul 15, 2009

Gravity wells could provide 'parking lots' for spaceships

Nature has provided five huge rest stops far out in space for the convenience of spacecraft traveling from Earth. Some NASA folks call them "parking lots" in space.

General Physics Jul 4, 2013

White dwarf star throws light on possible variability of a constant of Nature

An international team led by the University of New South Wales has studied a distant star where gravity is more than 30,000 times greater than on Earth to test its controversial theory that one of the constants of Nature ...

General Physics Sep 4, 2006

Scientists plan new space mission to observe quantum gravity

Physicists in the UK have made an exciting breakthrough and are developing plans for a new space mission that could carry out a range of fundamental physics experiments, which will involve placing a high-precision instrument ...

Space Exploration Feb 20, 2015

A recipe for returning Pluto to full planethood

A storm is brewing, a battle of words and a war of the worlds. The Earth is not at risk. It is mostly a civil dispute, but it has the potential to influence the path of careers. In 2014, a Harvard led debate was undertaken ...

Space Exploration Jun 25, 2015

What is the biggest planet in the solar system?

Ever since the invention of the telescope four hundred years ago, astronomers have been fascinated by the gas giant of Jupiter. Between it's constant, swirling clouds, its many, many moons, and its Giant Red Spot, there are ...

Astronomy Nov 13, 2008

Hubble directly observes planet orbiting Fomalhaut

( -- Estimated to be no more than three times Jupiter's mass, the planet, called Fomalhaut b, orbits the bright southern star Fomalhaut, located 25 light-years away in the constellation Piscis Austrinus (the Southern ...

General Physics Sep 5, 2014

Cosmologists probe beyond the Big Bang

A long tradition of cosmology research in Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences has given birth to a vigorous effort by a new generation of cosmologists to understand the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the thermal radiation ...

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