Search results for Gravity Probe B

Quantum Physics Feb 4, 2010

'Quantum Logic Clock' Based on Aluminum Ion is Now World's Most Precise Clock (w/ Video)

( -- Physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have built an enhanced version of an experimental atomic clock based on a single aluminum atom that is now the world’s most precise clock, ...

Astronomy May 13, 2021

New research reveals hidden processes at work in the hearts of large stars

Astronomers commonly refer to massive stars as the chemical factories of the Universe. They generally end their lives in spectacular supernovae, events that forge many of the elements on the periodic table. How elemental ...

Planetary Sciences Aug 10, 2021

Dragonfly mission to Titan announces big science goals

Among our solar system's many moons, Saturn's Titan stands out—it's the only moon with a substantial atmosphere and liquid on the surface. It even has a weather system like Earth's, though it rains methane instead of water. ...

Astronomy Jul 12, 2016

Black hole makes material wobble around it

The European Space Agency's orbiting X-ray observatory, XMM-Newton, has proved the existence of a "gravitational vortex" around a black hole. The discovery, aided by NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission, ...

General Physics Oct 15, 2012

Accelerators can search for signs of Planck-scale gravity

(—Although quantum theory can explain three of the four forces in nature, scientists currently rely on general relativity to explain the fourth force, gravity. However, no one is quite sure of how gravity works ...

General Physics Mar 7, 2007

Particle X in rare decay could belong to a new physics model

A particle that may mediate the rare decay of a Sigma-plus hyperon appears to have close affiliations with a light Higgs boson found in one supersymmetric model—an interpretation suggesting unambiguous evidence for physics ...

Space Exploration Sep 22, 2014

An anomaly in satellite flybys confounds scientists

When space probes, such as Rosetta and Cassini, fly over certain planets and moons in order to gain momentum and travel long distances, their speed changes slightly for an unknown reason. A Spanish researcher has now analysed ...

Space Exploration Aug 3, 2015

The Planet Saturn

The farthest planet from the Sun that be observed with the naked eye, the existence of Saturn has been known for thousands of years. And much like all celestial bodies that can be observed with the aid of instruments – ...

General Physics Jun 1, 2007

Physicist says testing technique for gravitomagnetic field is ineffective

Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity has fascinated physicists and generated debate about the origin of the universe and the structure of objects like black holes and complex stars called quasars. A major focus ...

Astronomy Feb 1, 2017

Space travel visionaries solve the problem of interstellar slowdown at Alpha Centauri

In April last year, billionaire Yuri Milner announced the Breakthrough Starshot Initiative. He plans to invest 100 million US dollars in the development of an ultra-light light sail that can be accelerated to 20 percent of ...

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