See also stories tagged with Armenia

Search results for ARM

Plants & Animals Nov 1, 2023

Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but

For centuries, naturalists have puzzled over what might constitute the head of a sea star, commonly called a "starfish." When looking at a worm, or a fish, it's clear which end is the head and which is the tail. But with ...

Earth Sciences Nov 20, 2020

New Chinese submersible reaches Earth's deepest ocean trench

China livestreamed footage of its new manned submersible parked at the bottom of the Mariana Trench on Friday, part of a historic mission into the deepest underwater valley on the planet.

General Physics Sep 22, 2017

Revolutionary guitar string rocks the guitar world

A revolutionary guitar string developed at the University of St Andrews has struck a chord with some of the greats of the music world.

Archaeology May 22, 2024

Ancient Mycenaean armor tested by Marines and pronounced suitable for extended combat

A famous Mycenaean suit of armor was not just ceremonial, but suitable for extended combat, according to a study published May 22 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Andreas Flouris of the University of Thessaly, Greece ...

Space Exploration Mar 21, 2020

Curiosity Mars rover takes a new selfie before record climb

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover recently set a record for the steepest terrain it's ever climbed, cresting the "Greenheugh Pediment," a broad sheet of rock that sits atop a hill. And before doing that, the rover took a selfie, ...

Space Exploration May 25, 2024

Boeing won't fix leaky Starliner before flying first crew to ISS

Boeing is set to launch its first crewed space mission in June without fixing a small helium gas leak on its troubled Starliner spaceship, officials said Friday.

Astronomy Jun 12, 2024

Einstein Telescope could launch a new era in astronomy

It's still just a plan, but a new telescope could soon be measuring gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are something like the sound waves of the universe. They are created, for example, when black holes or neutron stars ...

General Physics Feb 11, 2016

Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's prediction

For the first time, scientists have observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves, arriving at Earth from a cataclysmic event in the distant universe. This confirms a major prediction of Albert Einstein's ...

Hi Tech & Innovation Mar 1, 2010

Skinput turns your arm into a touchscreen (w/ Video)

( -- If you find yourself getting annoyed at the tiny touchscreens on today's mobile devices, you might be interested in a "new" yet overlooked input surface: yourself. A new skin-based interface called Skinput ...

Astronomy Nov 27, 2021

'Gangotri wave' connecting two of Milky Way's spiral arms discovered

A team of researchers from Germany, France and the U.K. has discovered a long thin filament of dense gas connecting two of the Milky Way galaxy's spiral arms. In their paper published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, ...

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