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Astronomy Jan 8, 2020

The Milky Way's impending galactic collision is already birthing new stars

The outskirts of the Milky Way are home to the galaxy's oldest stars. But astronomers have spotted something unexpected in this celestial retirement community: a flock of young stars.

Plants & Animals Dec 2, 2015

Call for arms and stings: Social wasps use alarm pheromones to coordinate their attacks

Humans might know them as vicious stingers, but yellow jacket wasps also impress with their vigorous protection over their young. To resolve the mystery around their complex defensive behavior, a Canadian research team, led ...

Mathematics Jun 1, 2020

Video: The real risks of a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is a reflection on our society and shows us just how vulnerable we are, despite all the advanced mathematical models that are supposed to make policy- and decision-makers aware of the potential risks ...

Political science Jul 13, 2022

Urgent need for the UK and its allies to clarify how they will respond militarily to imminent armed attacks, study says

There is an urgent need for the UK and allies like the U.S. and Australia to give clearer information about how they would respond in self-defense to "imminent" armed attacks, a new study says.

Astronomy Apr 23, 2019

Research on disk galaxies sheds light on movement of stars

University of Arkansas astrophysicists have taken an important step toward solving the mystery of how disk galaxies maintain the shape of their spiral arms. Their findings support the theory that these arms are created by ...

Space Exploration Nov 17, 2021

Satellite attack: the mounting arms race in space

Last year a US general made an ominous revelation: two Russian satellites in orbit were stalking a US spy satellite high above the earth.

Astronomy Aug 17, 2021

Astronomers find a 'break' in one of the Milky Way's spiral arms

Scientists have spotted a previously unrecognized feature of our Milky Way galaxy: A contingent of young stars and star-forming gas clouds is sticking out of one of the Milky Way's spiral arms like a splinter poking out from ...

Space Exploration Nov 29, 2018

Safely on Mars, InSight unfolds its arrays and snaps some pics

After safely landing on Mars following its nearly seven month journey, NASA has released the first pictures taken by its InSight spacecraft, which has opened it solar arrays to charge batteries.

Archaeology Oct 12, 2022

Syria digs up 'rare' Roman mosaic in former rebel stronghold

Syria uncovered a large intact mosaic that dates back to the Roman era, describing it Wednesday as the most important archaeological discovery since the country's conflict began 11 years ago.

Astronomy Jun 11, 2024

Scientists spot more Milky Way-like galaxies in early universe, advancing our understanding of how galaxies were formed

University of Missouri scientists are peering into the past and uncovering new clues about the early universe. Since light takes a long time to travel through space, they are now able to see how galaxies looked billions of ...

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