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Search results for development

Agriculture 19 hours ago

Study reveals stable soil moisture variability within fields, opens door for satellite remote sensing

A multi-institutional study led by University of Illinois and Agroecosystem Sustainability Center (ASC) scientists concluded that, although soil moisture varies significantly both within a single field and from field to field ...

Social Sciences 19 hours ago

Many sports are tightening transgender policies. Can inclusion co-exist with fairness, physical safety and integrity?

The inclusion of trans women athletes—women who were assigned male at birth—is one of the most controversial issues in world sports.

Social Sciences 19 hours ago

Researcher: Improving gender equality will help end violence against women, but it's only part of the puzzle

The spike in reports of women murdered by men this year has prompted widespread conversations across Australia about how we end gender-based violence. Much of this discussion has been about the importance of creating a more ...

Evolution 19 hours ago

How glacier algae are challenging the way we think about evolution

People often underestimate tiny beings. But microscopic algal cells not only evolved to thrive in one of the most extreme habitats on Earth—glaciers—but are also shaping them.

Space Exploration 19 hours ago

New training programs will prepare astronauts to perform medicine while thousands of miles away from Earth

In the coming decade, more people will go to space than ever before as human spaceflight enters a new era. NASA, the European Space Agency and other governmental agencies are partnering to develop crewed missions beyond the ...

Archaeology 19 hours ago

Digital public archaeology: Excavating data from digs done decades ago and connecting with today's communities

The ancestors of Alaska Native people began using local copper sources to craft intricate tools roughly 1,000 years ago. Over one-third of all copper objects archaeologists have found in this region were excavated at a single ...

Nanophysics 19 hours ago

Electric fields boost graphene's potential, study shows

Researchers at the National Graphene Institute have made a discovery that could revolutionize energy harnessing and information computing. Their study, published in Nature, reveals how electric field effects can selectively ...

Biochemistry 19 hours ago

Old drugs new tricks—novel approach shows 'enormous potential' for rapid antibiotic discovery

An innovative project to re-purpose existing drugs for their potential as antibiotics has uncovered a highly promising candidate with a potent and unique way of killing drug resistant bacteria.

Cell & Microbiology 19 hours ago

Using soil bacteria to help accelerate discovery of new antibiotics

Northeastern researcher Kim Lewis is spearheading an effort to accelerate discovery of new antibiotics as part of a multi-institutional project to tackle the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.

Optics & Photonics 20 hours ago

Researchers develop platform to probe, control qubits in silicon for quantum networks

The quantum internet would be a lot easier to build if we could use existing telecommunications technologies and infrastructure. Over the past few years, researchers have discovered defects in silicon—a ubiquitous semiconductor ...

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