See also stories tagged with Developmental psychology

Search results for development

Archaeology 35 minutes ago

Change threatening coastal Native American sites cut from NC bill

A controversial bill that would have allowed developers to build on archaeological sites in some environmentally sensitive coastal areas was overhauled on June 19.

Biotechnology 3 hours ago

Scientists devise algorithm to engineer improved enzymes

Scientists have prototyped a new method for "rationally engineering" enzymes to deliver improved performance. They have devised an algorithm, which takes into account an enzyme's evolutionary history, to flag where mutations ...

Environment 3 hours ago

Four in five people want more climate action: UN survey

Four in every five people want their country to strengthen its commitments to addressing climate change, according to a global poll of 75,000 participants published on Thursday.

Biotechnology 12 hours ago

Improving crops with laser beams and 3D printing

A demonstration of how new technologies can be used in 21st century crop breeding comes from just published research that combines laser scanning and 3D printing to create a detailed 3D model of a sugar beet plant.

Environment 18 hours ago

Caffeine may be a useful marker of wastewater leaks in storm drain systems

In developed countries such as Japan, wastewater systems designed to keep harmful pollutants out of storm drainage are aging and deteriorating, sending contaminants into local bodies of water. Finding the source of a leak ...

Mathematics 18 hours ago

Students' awareness of their cognitive processes facilitates the learning of math, finds study

The purpose of education is to ensure that students acquire the skills necessary for succeeding in a world that is constantly changing. Self-assessment, or teaching students how to examine and evaluate their own learning ...

Analytical Chemistry 19 hours ago

Boosting the synthesis of stable sugar compounds with a novel nature-inspired approach

Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a new biomimetic concept to convert naturally occurring sugars into diverse classes of stable glycosides and glycoproteins without using protecting-group ...

Molecular & Computational biology 19 hours ago

Hope from an unexpected source in the global race to stop wheat blast

An important breakthrough in efforts to halt the advance of wheat blast, an emerging threat to international food security, has come from a surprising source.

Space Exploration 19 hours ago

Researchers investigate the impacts of space travel on astronauts' eye health

As space travel becomes more common, it is important to consider the impacts of space flight and altered gravity on the human body. Led by Dr. Ana Diaz Artiles, researchers at Texas A&M University are studying some of those ...

Plants & Animals 19 hours ago

Unlocking heart health: Advancing noninvasive monitoring in chimpanzees

Measuring the heart rate of great apes in captivity is essential for both health management and animal studies. However, most existing methods are either invasive or inaccurate.

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