Search results for 4-D printing

Materials Science Nov 19, 2019

New 3-D printing technique produces 'living' 4-D materials

Repairing and reusing plastics and delivering cancer drugs more effectively are only two of many of the potential applications a new 3-D/4-D printing technology might have, thanks to the pioneering work of a research collaboration ...

Materials Science Feb 4, 2020

High-tech printing may help eliminate painful shots

Painful hypodermic needles may not be needed in the future to give shots, inject drugs and get blood samples.

Engineering Dec 19, 2014

3-D-printable materials deform to change surface area, enabling curvature rather than rigid folding

Today's 3-D printers, in which devices rather like inkjet-printer nozzles deposit materials in layers to build up physical objects, are a great tool for designers building prototypes or small companies with limited product ...

Materials Science Mar 22, 2019

4-D-printed materials can be stiff as wood or soft as sponge

Imagine smart materials that can morph from being stiff as wood to as soft as a sponge—and also change shape.

Engineering Feb 8, 2018

Mathematics pushes innovation in 4-D printing

Recent advances in digital factory science make it possible to print more compliant objects across a wider range of length-scales than conventional engineering processes. A bottleneck for enabling the next technological progress ...

Engineering Aug 12, 2015

Programming materials for better designs

We often think of the everyday materials we use to build our human world as static, but we should think again: MIT's Self-Assembly Lab programs such materials to transform themselves to handle tasks more simply and efficiently, ...

Computer Sciences Apr 25, 2014

Smart components that assemble themselves

Skylar Tibbits SM '10 was constructing a massive museum installation with thousands of pieces when he had an epiphany. "Imagine yourself facing months on end assembling this thing, thinking there's got to be a better way," ...

Materials Science Sep 14, 2018

Advanced biomaterials with silk fibroin-bioactive glass to engineer patient-specific 3-D bone grafts

The complex architecture of bone is challenging to recreate in the lab. Therefore, advances in bone tissue engineering (BTE) aim to build patient-specific grafts that assist bone repair and trigger specific cell-signaling ...

Engineering Feb 4, 2015

3-D printers to make human body parts? It's happening

It sounds like something from a science fiction plot: So-called three-dimensional printers are being used to fashion prosthetic arms and hands, jaw bones, spinal-cord implants - and one day perhaps even living human body ...

Materials Science Sep 13, 2018

Researcher creates hydrogels capable of complex movement

Living organisms expand and contract soft tissues to achieve complex, 3-D movements and functions, but replicating those movements with man-made materials has proven challenging.

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