Search results for planetesimals

Space Exploration Apr 2, 2019

SwRI to conduct largest-ever Hubble survey of the Kuiper Belt

NASA's Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) recently awarded Southwest Research Institute the largest Hubble Space Telescope (HST) solar system program ever, with 206 of Hubble's orbits around the Earth allocated to ...

Astronomy May 5, 2012

Astronomers discover a rare stellar disk of quartz dust

A research team of Japanese astronomers led by Dr. Hideaki Fujiwara (Subaru Telescope) has discovered a main-sequence star that is surrounded by a rare disk of quartz dust. Collisions of planetesimals, building blocks for ...

Astronomy Apr 10, 2012

When stellar metallicity sparks planet formation

New research predicts the criteria needed for Earth-like planets to form around a star that have one-tenth the metallicity of our Sun. If researchers find small, rocky planets orbiting stars with lower metallicity, it may ...

Astronomy Apr 11, 2011

Our unlikely solar system

Recent modeling of solar mass stars with planetary systems, found that a system with four rocky planets and four gas giants in stable orbits – and only a sparsely populated outer belt of planetesimals – has only ...

Feb 1, 2006

Binary asteroid in Jupiter's orbit may be icy comet from solar system's infancy

A bound pair of icy comets similar to the dirty snowballs circling outside the orbit of Neptune has been found lurking in the shadow of Jupiter. Astronomers at the University of California, Berkeley, working with colleagues ...

Astronomy Aug 2, 2021

Discovery of very red bodies in the asteroid belt that resemble trans-Neptunian objects

Two asteroids (203 Pompeja and 269 Justitia) have been discovered with a redder spectrum than any other object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The discovery was led by HASEGAWA Sunao, Associate Senior Researcher ...

Space Exploration Mar 17, 2020

Asteroid Ryugu likely link in planetary formation

The solar system formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago. Numerous fragments that bear witness to this early era orbit the sun as asteroids. Around three-quarters of these are carbon-rich C-type asteroids, such as 162173 ...

Space Exploration Nov 22, 2018

NASA's Lucy in the sky with … asteroids?

A little over 4 billion years ago, the planets in our solar system coexisted with vast numbers of small rocky or icy objects orbiting the Sun. These were the last remnants of the planetesimals – the primitive building blocks ...

Space Exploration Sep 14, 2017

New theory on origin of the asteroid belt

(—A pair of researchers with Université de Bordeaux has proposed a new theory to explain the origin of the asteroid belt. In their paper published in Science Advances, Sean Raymond and Andre Izidoro describe their ...

Astronomy Jun 25, 2015

Spiral arms cradle baby terrestrial planets

New work from Carnegie's Alan Boss offers a potential solution to a longstanding problem in the prevailing theory of how rocky planets formed in our own Solar System, as well as in others. The snag he's untangling: how dust ...

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