Search results for signal gain

Cell & Microbiology Apr 18, 2024

Key protein regulates immune response to viruses in mammal cells

Researchers have revealed the regulatory mechanism of a specific protein that plays a key role in balancing the immune response triggered by viral infections in mammal cells. These findings could help drive the development ...

Biotechnology Apr 18, 2024

Researchers train a bank of AI models to identify memory formation signals in the brain

An international research collaboration between Vanderbilt University and the Madrid-based de la Prida lab in the Cajal Institute led to the development of AI models that detect and analyze hippocampal ripples, which are ...

Molecular & Computational biology Apr 17, 2024

How a calcium-sensing protein multitasks

The calcium-sensing receptor is critical for maintaining healthy calcium levels, but CaSR is also well-known for its side hustles. The receptor is increasingly recognized for its ability to detect other ions and proteins ...

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 10, 2024

Fossilized dinosaur eggshells can preserve amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, over millions of years

As a scientist, lab work can sometimes get monotonous. But in 2017, while a Ph.D. student of paleobiology at the University of Bristol in the U.K., I heard a gleeful exclamation from across the room. Kirsty Penkman, head ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 4, 2024

Attack and defense in the microverse: How small RNA molecules regulate viral infections of bacteria

Viruses need hosts. Whether it's measles, the flu or coronavirus, viral pathogens cannot multiply or infect other organisms without the assistance of their hosts' cellular infrastructure. However, humans are not the only ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 28, 2024

Researchers uncover regulatory system that regulates branching patterns in lung epithelial tissue

Branching patterns are prevalent in our natural environment and the human body, such as in the lungs and kidneys. For example, specific genes that express growth factor proteins are known to influence the development of the ...

Condensed Matter Mar 27, 2024

New topological metamaterial amplifies sound waves exponentially

Researchers at AMOLF, in collaboration with partners from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, have realized a new type of metamaterial through which sound waves flow in an unprecedented fashion. It provides a novel form of ...

Earth Sciences Mar 20, 2024

Detecting heavy precipitation events directly with GPS data

An exceptionally severe storm swept over Zurich on 13 July 2021 shortly before 2 a.m., with howling squalls, constant lightning and torrential rain that awakened people with a start.

Earth Sciences Mar 19, 2024

Sea surface temperature research provides clear evidence of human-caused climate change

New oceanic research provides clear evidence of a human "fingerprint" on climate change and shows that specific signals from human activities have altered the seasonal cycle amplitude of sea surface temperatures (SST).

Astronomy Mar 15, 2024

GALILEO: Scientists propose a new method to search for light dark matter

New research in Physical Review Letters (PRL) has proposed a novel method to detect light dark matter candidates using laser interferometry to measure the oscillatory electric fields generated by these candidates.

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