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Quantum Physics Oct 16, 2019

Solving the mystery of quantum light in thin layers

When a current is applied to a thin layer of tungsten diselenide, it begins to glow in a highly unusual fashion. In addition to ordinary light, which other semiconductor materials can emit, tungsten diselenide also produces ...

Environment Oct 2, 2019

'The Ocean Cleanup' ship sweeps first Pacific plastic

A special ship designed to clean the oceans has harvested its first plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch since setting sail from San Francisco last month, its Dutch inventor said Wednesday.

Social Sciences Sep 13, 2019

The bizarre social history of beds

Groucho Marx once joked, "Anything that can't be done in bed isn't worth doing at all." You might think he was referring to sleeping and sex. But humans, at one time or another, have done just about everything in bed.

Environment Jul 15, 2019

How much water do snowpacks hold? A better way to answer the question

Oregon State University researchers have developed a new computer model for calculating the water content of snowpacks, providing an important tool for water resource managers and avalanche forecasters as well as scientists.

Internet Jun 25, 2019

What is surveillance capitalism and how does it shape our economy?

I recently purchased a bedroom bundle (mattress, bed base, pillows and sheets) from a well known Australian startup for my son, who has flown the nest. Now I'm swamped with Google and Facebook ads for beds and bedding. The ...

Environment Jun 16, 2019

Getting to zero: the Japan town trying to recycle all its waste

Plastic, paper, metal? In Japan's Kamikatsu, sorting rubbish isn't that simple. Residents face a mind-boggling 45 separate categories for their garbage as the town aims to be "zero-waste" by 2020.

Environment May 30, 2019

Tornado warning? In East, storm season brings bewilderment (Update)

As a tornado bore down on the western edge of New Jersey, some residents prepared for the worst, while others were caught off guard, despite bulletins from meteorologists and extensive coverage by television and radio stations.

Energy & Green Tech Mar 7, 2019

Could waste materials insulate buildings?

The University of Bath is testing a number of waste materials to assess their thermal performance as potential materials for insulating buildings.

Environment Feb 14, 2019

In New York, one non-profit looks to combat textile waste

The fashion industry generates tons of fabric waste each year, notably in New York—one of the world's shopping capitals and host twice a year to runway shows, a major contributor to the wider problem.

Earth Sciences Feb 13, 2019

Satellites reveal a new view of Earth's water from space

In 1889, near the remote border town of Embudo, New Mexico, John Wesley Powell, the famous explorer of the Grand Canyon and second head of the U.S. Geological Survey, started a quiet scientific revolution.

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